Twitter backup

Have you ever thought it would be good to save the smart thoughts and good links to interesting web content and images displayed on Twitter? You can do it now.

Johann Burkard has done a short Java application Twitter Backup, through which you can store all your existing tweets. There is no installation required, only the Java platform must be present. It’s  free program and he olso published original code.Application save backup as xml file on the desktop of the user.

The disadvantage of this applet is only the speed of storage, since can be saved only 20 tweets per minute or one page, which can make backup very log if you very active tweeter – speed is restricted by Twitter policy. Fortunately, this is only the first time, then the application makes only incremental backups (copy only files that have changed and add after the last backup).

Why archive? Since Twitter only saves the history of past 3200 tweets or 160 pages.

Twitter backup download

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