Recommended security tip for Google Chrome

There is one security setting that i recommend change default settings for Google Chrome users.

Disable “Continue running background apps when Google chrome is closed”

Why is it not necessary to run apps in the background when Chrome is closed?

Many apps run in the Chrome browaer in the background, even though we are currently using them. The intention is purely good e.g. virus scan, notification when a new mail arrives, new messenger chat, upgrade of add-ons.

Of course, there are also disadvantages such as use of RAM and CPU, when there is not really in need, especially if several different browsers are used at the same time like I use most of the time.
In the worst case, if you mistakenly install an malware in chrome as app… Well running all the time now isn’t such a good idea at all.

Google Chrome

In Chrome go to settings – advanced – system and uncheck “Continue running background apps when Chrome is closed”.

Windows registry

You have to have local admin rights to change in registry:

HKLM/Software/Policies/Google/Chrome/BackgroundMode Enabled

REG_DWORD value: 0

Group policy

In bigger network you of course use group policy:

Computer Configuration\Administrative templates\Classic administrative template (ADM)\Google Chrome\Continue running background apps when google chrome is closed

Value: disabled

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